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Project - Creation of a good practice guide for lifelong learning

The project entitled "Development of a good practice guide for lifelong learning", approved as part of the co-financing of lifelong learning projects at higher education institutions in FBiH, was successfully implemented at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica. The project involved the cooperation of the project partners of the Faculty of Economics and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Zenica-Doboj Canton.

The good practice guide was created as an informative document in printed form. It is useful for many stakeholders in the field of lifelong learning. The guide was made available to all stakeholders through dissemination. In addition, for all other interested parties, the academic community, students and the general public, access to the Guide is made possible through the website of the Faculty of Economics.

Guide to Good Practice for Lifelong Learning - look

Activities on the project "Strategic development of higher education and qualification standards"

A new activity within the implementation of the project entitled "Strategic development of higher education and qualification standards" was held on April 23, 2014. in Sarajevo. The project is implemented by the Council of Europe with the financial support of the European Union. The duration of the project is 2013-2015.

Representatives of economics faculties from public universities from Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, East Sarajevo and Bihac and private universities from Bijeljina and Sarajevo participate in the working group for the study of Economics.

Workshop on solutions and strategic approach to employment in the Zenica-Doboj Canton

In the seat of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, a workshop entitled: "Measures and activities for a strategic approach to the solution of employment issues in ZDK" was held, as part of the creation of the ZDK Employment Strategy 2013-2017. year. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica and the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy and Refugees of the ZDK. The leaders of the workshop were members of the project team for the development of the Employment Strategy, Assoc. Ph.D. Jasmin Halebić and assistant professor, Ph.D. Dijana Husaković. Members of the Government led by Prime Minister Plevljak, representatives of municipalities, as well as other interested parties participated in the workshop

In the introductory part of the workshop, the draft strategy was briefly presented, with special reference to the SWOT analysis, in which the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in the labor market of ZDK were determined. During the workshop, the vision of the ZDK labor market, strategic goals for the realization of the vision, measures and concrete activities that should result in the creation of new jobs were discussed in particular. Workshop participants had the opportunity to contribute to the more successful shaping of the Strategy through comments and a survey in which they evaluated the existing SWOT analysis, as well as planned measures and concrete activities. This kind of dialogue with interested parties resulted in high-quality preparation for the creation of the Employment Strategy.

Project - "Emergence of southern multinational corporations and their impact on BiH"

In 2011, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica implemented a project called "The emergence of southern multinational corporations and their influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina" within the framework of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) program. The goal of the project was to empirically determine and investigate the impact of investments by southern multinational companies on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to evaluate existing policies related to this phenomenon and create recommendations for decision makers. The implementation of the project was supported by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The goal of the project was to empirically determine and investigate the impact of investments by southern multinational companies on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to evaluate existing policies related to this phenomenon and create recommendations for decision makers.

The implementation of the project was supported by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The report on the implemented project can be downloaded here.