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Scientific and teaching council

In accordance with Article 70, paragraph (1) of the Law on Higher Education ("Official Gazette of the ZDK", number: 12/22), the Scientific and Teaching Council is the academic body of the organizational unit and consists of all teachers and one representative of associates of the parent departments and organizational units in employment as well as selected students.

The members of the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica are:

  1. Ph.D.Sc. Nedžad Polić, chairman
  2. Prof. Ph.D.Sc. Ajla Muratović-Dedić
  3. Ph.D.Sc. Jasmina Džafić
  4. Ph.D.Sc. Nino Serdarević
  5. Ph.D.Sc. Almir Alihodžić
  6. Ph.D.Sc. Rifet Đogić
  7. Ph.D.Sc. Dijana Husaković
  8. Ph.D.Sc. Suvad Isaković
  9. Prof. Ph.D.Sc. Dženan Kulović
  10. Ph.D.Sc. Jasmin Halebić
  11. Ph.D.Sc. Alem Merdic
  12. Ilma Dedić Grabus, MA, senior assistant
  13. Nermana Mahmić Muhić, MA, assistant professor
  14. Adna Razić, representative of the first cycle of studies,
  15. Adnan Spahić, representative of the second cycle of studies
  16. Elman Nadžaković, representative of the III cycle of studies,

The scope of work of the Scientific and Teaching Council is prescribed by Article 70, paragraph (4) of the Law on Higher Education ("Official Gazette of ZDK", number: 12/22) and Article 113 of the Statute of the University of Zenica (Refined text), as follows:

(1) The scope of work of the scientific-teaching, i.e. art-teaching council, is:

a) makes decisions on all academic, teaching, scientific and professional issues within its jurisdiction;

b) proposes and self-evaluates the curriculum for all study cycles;

c) reviews the curricula for all study cycles at least once after the end of the study cycle;

d) passes general acts of the faculty/academy;

e) appoints and dismisses the duties of the dean by public vote, unless the NNV members decide to declare themselves by secret vote;

f) on the proposal of the dean, appoints and dismisses the duties of the vice-dean and the chairman of the NNV/UNV by public vote, unless the members of the NNV decide to declare themselves by secret vote;

g) proposes to the Senate of the University the programs of scientific research and artistic work, as well as the professional development program;

h) performs an internal evaluation of the situation (self-evaluation) with a proposal for improvement measures once a year;

i) determines the personnel composition of NNV and parent departments at the beginning of each academic year;

j) appoints the committee, approves the topic and the mentor for the preparation of the master's thesis;

k) proposes to the Senate of the University the composition of the committee for evaluation and suitability of topics and candidates, the committee for evaluation and defense of the doctoral thesis, and proposes the adoption of the report of the committee for evaluation and defense of the doctoral thesis;

l) determines the proposal of the teaching coverage plan (teaching team) for the academic year, that is, for the implementation of teaching plans and programs for all 3 (three) cycles;

m) establishes a proposal for announcing a competition and appointing commissions for preparing proposals for the selection of teachers and associates;

n) considers requests and determines proposals for scientific and professional training in the country and abroad, the decision of which is made by the Senate of the University;

o) determination of proposals for the selection of candidates for academic positions;

p) initiation of proposals for awarding the honorary title of professor emeritus and honorary doctorate of science by at least 2 (two) NNV/UNV faculties/academies;

q) makes decisions on the approval of the production of the subject textbook, on the appointment of reviewers and the adoption of review reports, on the proposal of the competent department, and in accordance with the Rulebook on publishing activities;

r) on the proposal of the dean, elects and dismisses the duties of representatives of the faculty/academy in the bodies of the University, in the manner determined by this Statute and other general acts;

s) determines the proposed number of students for enrollment in all study cycles;

t) selects student-associates (demonstrators) in professional study subjects;

u) decides on student objections to the dean's decisions on individual rights, obligations and responsibilities of students;

v) analyzes the results of passing students and proposes measures to improve the passing rate and efficiency of studies;

w) determines the schedule of examination dates for the next academic year on the proposal of the vice dean for teaching;

x) adopts the schedule of graduates by department for the preparation and defense of graduate theses, and appoints a mentor for the preparation and defense of graduate theses;

y) evaluates and monitors student surveys on the work of teaching and other staff that are conducted within the framework of quality system assurance;

z) reviews the state of NIR at the faculty/academy;

aa) determines strategic projects for the development of the faculty;

bb) makes decisions on all other academic, scientific, artistic and professional issues at the faculty/academy level, which are not within the competence of the Senate and other bodies of the University;

cc) exercise other competences, in accordance with the law and this Statute.

(2) The dean may ask the NNV/UNV to take positions, i.e. give preliminary opinions on certain issues, when he considers that it is of particular importance for the faculty/academy, or estimates that solving a certain problem will be more efficient in this way .

The manner of work of the Scientific and Teaching Council is governed by the Rules of Procedure - pdf;

Decision and Rules of Procedure of NNV - amendments and additions - pdf

At the beginning of the academic year, the Scientific and Teaching Council determines the tentative schedule for holding sessions, which is coordinated with the schedule for holding sessions of the University Senate.

  • Academic year 2022/2023. pdf
  • Academic year 2023/2024. pdf